Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Is Not Goodbye

Just because the quarter is coming to a close, does not mean that my sustainability efforts are coming to an end!

Previous: 4.7 Planets

 If everyone lived like I do, we would need 4.7 Planet Earths to provide enough resources.  At 42%, my largest area of impact was in the service category.  This was followed by food at 23%, goods at 20%, mobility at 10% and shelter at 5%.  

New: 4.5 Planets

If everyone lived like I do, we would need 4.5 Planet Earths to provide enough resources.  At 44%, my largest area of impact was in the service category.  This was followed by food at 30%,  goods at 18%, shelter at 5% and mobility at 3%.

My footprint was reduced, however, only slightly.  I think that these changes can be attributed to a more thorough survey response on my part because I better understood my sustainability habits.  But I don't think that this survey is very accurate in measuring all sustainability efforts because the changes that I chose to make were not evaluated.  

The changes I chose to make were as followed:
1. I will always bring reusable grocery bags to the store.
2. I will learn exactly what items can and cannot be recycled in order to properly dispose of them.
3. I will only use reusable cups and water bottles.

I thought that these would be easy habits to undertake, however, it proved to be a bit more difficult.  While I definitely made the effort, I could not seem to remember be bring reusable grocery bags to the store EVERY TIME or ONLY use reusable cups and water bottles.  These changes may not be irreversible habits yet, but I am certainly more aware of the choices I make, the things I buy and the things I throw away.  

Half way through the quarter, I made some additional goals which included:
1. Turning off the lights when not in use
2. Composting

These goals were easy to implement and I am pleased to say that I am staying strong.

Lastly, I have been doing almost all of my grocery shopping at the co-op which is just a few blocks away from my house, so I'm able to walk!  I absolutely love it and am able to find a lot more local and organic options.  But the other day while I was shopping, I forgot to bring my reusable bag!! I felt as though everyone was judging me as they watched me place all of my groceries into two tiny paper bags.  I left there shifting the bags around from arm to arm and began my walk home.  Not a minute later,  it started to POUR down rain completely soaking me and my bags until they tore and my groceries tumbled to the ground in front of my house!  It was as if the sustainability gods were punishing me and since then I have not forgotten my reusable bags!!

I am very thankful for the class and believe that it should be a required course for all college students.  While there is much more to be done, I feel much more aware of my environmental impact and will encourage sustainable practices especially where they are easy to implement!

There is not a simple fix but we can all do our part, however small!

1 comment:

  1. The sustainability God = bad karma from all of the endangered animal species............ :) I am so glad to hear you are using the coop - it's local and its a cooperative, 2 important pillars in the sustainability structure :)
