Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Inspire Going Green? Make It Cool!

In order to help increase awareness of the green movement and get people on board (especially younger demographics), it is crucial to find a way to "make it cool." Many celebrities are doing their part, take a look:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Local Businesses Doing Their Part

I was sitting at Boundary Bay Brewery the other night when I looked to my right to find the following sign on the wall:

Serving water by request-only seems a very small effort in sustainability but every drop counts and helps restaurants save gallons of water a day.  More businesses should adopt this practice as a standard.

Other simple water saving ideas for businesses:
  •  low-flow showerheads
  • 1.0 gallon aerators
  • 1.6 gpm dishwashing valves
  • low-flow toilets
  • waterless urinals

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sustainable Progress #2

Well, some of these goals are proving hard to keep, however I have without trouble, began a few new positive practices.  These include both turning off the lights whenever they are not in use (it's surprising how easy it is to do, yet how often they are pointlessly left on) and starting a compost bin.  My roommates and I turned an old coffee container into a compost bin just a few weeks ago and it is proving to be worth our while.  Yes, some maintenance is required, however it is very little compared to its payoff.  

I spoke with Carol Berry this past week and she stated that relatively, very little should be disposed of as landfill waste, what with the use of recycling and compost.  

I am pleased with the progress I've made and believe that these changes will be permanent.  Because I am more aware of my surroundings and the harm we are creating, I can see what adjustments I need to make in order to properly reduce my carbon footprint and save our future.